Transaction Service Agreement Support
Planning and implementing an advantageously structured TSA is critical to the success of a transaction. The Ducats Group provides a multi-month blueprint that allows for smooth divestitures and acquisitions. 
Case Study
A PE firm helped a portfolio company become a $1B consulting practice by purchasing a $500M e-Discovery and Forensic Business. Post transaction, the portfolio company needed help with TSA planning and execution and was struggling with their Big 4 partner team. The purchase included significant infrastructure consisting of 3 data centers and 20 office locations, and 600 employees in Asia, Middle East, Europe and U.S.
After identifying large gaps in the schedule and plan conducted during diligence, TDG was able to take over the project, partner with the seller and create a more fortified TSA separation strategy, and generate an executable implementation plan.
We not only provided the necessary project management, architecture, and engineering resources to accomplish the migration workstreams, but also ran the evaluation and selection of the critical third parties to replace the infrastructure and then on-boarded a managed service provider. The TSA was exited on time and on budget.​​​​​​